May 18, 2013

Benefits of Nicotine for Improved Performance

Most people think that the main negative impact of cigarette smoking is from nicotine but that's pretty
misleading. There are 1000's of chemicals that are far stonger and more dangerous than nicotine. In fact there many studies that have been done that showing there can be benefits when using small amounts of nicotine.

There are several studies done that show Nicotine has quickened the response time and helped concentration in rats and humans alike. An article in Cosmos magazine links to several studies that show it has shown to help reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia sufferers as well.

The Study titled "Effect of nicotine on brain activation during performance of a working memory task" (find article here)full showed that 4mg of nicotine gum or two pieces of polacrilex gum to chew for 15 min at a rate of one chew every 3 sec which is the same as the average American cigarette improved small improvements in finger-tapping rate, motor response on tests of focused and sustained attention, and recognition memory.

If you've decided to try it out the biggest health risk that I could find any information on showed that you need to be concerned with long term use and of course addiction if you overuse it. There is one study that blamed long-term use of nicotine gum leads to insulin resistance, metabolic abnormalities associated with the insulin resistance syndrome, and increased cardiovascular morbidity. Thus, the use of nicotine replacement therapy during smoking cessation should be transient and limited.You can see the study here.

Just make sure you don't use it regularly. To a large extent people frankly eat shit all day long and don't eat a healthy diet. The increase in cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance can pretty much be reduced with a low inflammation diet  and a healthy lifestyle. A great little site "The Conscious Mind" I found the other day has tons of free information on it.

 Also one more caveat. If you are new to using this and don't smoke then start small. Use 2mg at first or even half a piece and use for about 10-15 mins. If you use the full 4mg like I did it'll likely be too much or for too long then you'll probably experience light-headedness or dizziness and some nervousness.

If you have decided to give it a shot there is a great deal at amazon right now on equate for 20 pieces 4mg mint flavored nicotine gum.You can find it below

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